Lana Wood

This is a 1966 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

When I met 19 year old Lana Wood on The Long Hot Summer set, she was in a reflective mood, looking back on her early teens. “Teen-agers growing up and struggling to express themselves are suspicious of the influence of the adult world, and they rebel. But when this is done en masse, it becomes a form of conformity,” Lana smiled. “We teased our hair so high that our parents and everyone complained when I was in school. Today the girls swing to the other extreme.

They let their hair hang string-straight. If they can’t remove the curl with an iron, they have it straightened with an anti-curl cream.” We talked about fashion in faces, and Lana had this to say: “I want my eyes to dominate and even when I use no other make up I wear strip lashes.” Lana’s were so well blended with her own they looked natural. “You can buy them already cut and shaped. I find they help my lashes grow, because I no longer cake on Jots of mascara which was drying and caused my lashes to break and get thinner. Girls used to practice with lipstick brushes to shape and paint on a neat mouth.

Today, they work just as hard to apply artificial lashes so that they can whip them into place in nothing flat. “I apply my lashes with a liquid adhesive because it is and can easily be pulled off. There is a special cleaning fluid for artificial lashes, but this takes out the curl, so you have to learn how to wrap them around a pencil to put the curl back in again.” 

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