Linda Evans

This is a 1963 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

“Makeup is bad for my skin,” MGM actress Linda Evans believes. “I found this out after I got my contract and work at Twilight of horror. I had never worn a base, so I didn’t give too much thought to removing the makeup. I used a cream and then washed my face with soap and water, but my pores must have still been clogged because my skin to break out. “The makeup man on the Eleventh Hour series talked to me about this. He told me of a routine that I have followed, and it has worked perfectly. “You cleanse your face with an oil which cuts the make-up, but it washes off in suds like soap. Several times a week when I am working I mix a little salt with the oil and give my face a good scrubbing.

And once a week I steam it with hot water. Linda’s skin is lovely now, and she rarely wears any makeup when she is not before the cameras. “I like to sunbathe,” she says, “but I know this is drying so afterward I always use a moisture lotion. It is not at all greasy or sticky, and it keeps my skin from feeling dry or drawn. “Another trick I learned is how to care for an occasional blemish. I can dry it up by putting on a bit of the white lining from an egg shell.” 

Beba Lončar

This is a 1963 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

As far as I could see, the women of Yugoslavia put no accent on fashion. But Beba Loncar, their top actress, has such dazzling beauty Columbia signed her after seeing the rushes of “The Lore Show.” Blonde, slender and dresses as a slave girl, Beba moved gracefully across the huge set which was built outside the city. Later when I mentioned her good posture, she confessed she had started her career as ballet dancer, “Ballet teaches you to appreciate a lean line.”

Everybody likes heavy foods. But when I begin to gain, I go on diet that I find wonderful,” she said in perfect English. Breakfast is yogurt and a sliced, whole apple. Lunch is pint cheese (similar to our cottage cheese and all the cucumbers I want to eat. Dinner is clear broth, loads of fresh vegetables and a dish of yogurt” Beba believes that you reduce more Successfully when you exercise.

Here Is her favorite. It targets the middle section of the body and the hips. Kneel on the floor, raise your arms above your head. Stretch as far a you can toward the ceiling.

Twist and sit on the floor to the side of your left heel. Come up, stretch, twist and on the side. Do this in rhythm. Stretch, twist, sit, come up. Stretch, twist, sit, come up. Do this as many times as you can until you feel tiled. “To get the best results. If takes patience and practice. But it’s worth it.”

Maria Perschy

This is a 1963 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

The Via Veneto is not the ideal place for an interview, but the first day I arrived here I ran into Maria Perschy and persuaded her to have dinner with me. “You were in seclusion when I tried to interview you in Hollywood,” I said. There reason I had to cancel my date with you?” asked Maria, who had been in California for Universal’ shooting of “Man’s Favorite Sport,” “My face was so broken out that I was ashamed to meet a beauty columnist. I felt terrible, and I didn’t want to see anyone. Ian allergic reaction from a hormone cream I should have had enough sense not to use. But the make-up man gave me a medicated cream and lotion that cleared my skin and now I use it all the time.

Maria turned to me and asked. “Have you heard your the sauerkraut facial?” “Not really.” I answered. “My aunt has a remarkable skin for her age. She believes in fresh sauerkraut facials. There must be something to it because Austrian women have been using it for generations. You soak cotton in the juice, lie down and cover your face with it, leaving a cut-out place for the nose and eyes. After 15 minutes, wash it off, and your skin will glow. “I have learned an important lesson. Never take a good complexion for granted. Your whole outlook on life is changed when you have a bad complexion.”

Claudia Cardinale

This is a 1963 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

We drove from Rome to a tiny village nearby where United Artists was shooting “The Pink Panther.” As I watched a scene of Claudia Cardinale hiding a famous Jewel, I felt as do many others that she was destined for stardom. Later I asked how she acquired her naturalness. “I’m not sure except that affectation and artificiality are two destructive qualities that I try to avoid,” she replied. “I like to stay as close to nature and truth as I can. This applies to my beauty routine, too.”

“I remove my make-up with pure mineral oil and soft toweling. And then I wash my face with an unscented soap and then with lots of cold water. “I also prefer a suntan to make-up. and I keep my km oft with a formula my mother was given when we were living In Tunis. Take one ounce of almond oil be sure it’s fresh one ounce of barley flour and mix this with melted honey. Stir until it’s like butter and spread it over your face.Let it stay on for a while, and when you take it off. You’ll be glad you tried it.” As I left I asked Claudia how she managed to keep success from turning her head. “It’s simple,” she smiled. “I keep my private life and public life quite separate.”

Hayley Mills – Take two

This is a 1963 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

I watched a blond Long Lake Ladies’ Aid Society teen-ager in a pink organdy dress came bouncing Into her dressing room I exclaimed over the difference years had made in hnr self-confidence. She was the same spirited girl bubbling with vitality but no longer shy. “My father told me that It was silly to worry about what other people thought of me be cause they were busy worrying about what I would think of them.

When I was living in Hollywood, Mummy held me back and I’m glad. When you are allowed to do too much too soon, you spoil the excitement that comes later when you are better prepared to appreciate it. The girls I chummed with in Hollywood looked much older than I did, but they didn’t i older.” All activity ceased on the set at tea-time. Hayley offered me raw sugar crystals as she poured. “We never have anything unhealthful at our house.

We don’t fry, use bleached flour or fruits and vegetables that have been sprayed with chemicals. We get everything fresh from the garden.” Hayley bit into a whole-grain biscuit and said, “I like our way of living. I’m glad that Mother thinks of food in terms of health. We are never sick and no one in the family has a weight problem.

“But I did have a little trouble with my complexion. I was sursed because we don’t eat sweets. Mother has fruit, cheese or custard for dessert. The doctor explained the bumps were caused by my emotions, and I noticed that when I was excited or too tired my face broke out.” Hayley was given a treatment that proved successful. She holds her face over a steaming bowl of water with herbs in it. Then she rinses with very cold water and applies an ointment that “dries my mumps overnight.” “I’m trying not to get overly tired. My mother says that nothing makes you old before your time rushing about, but,” Hayley opened wide her big blue eyes ind said, “it’s hard not to. Isn’t it?” The ward wardrobe girl brought over some pairs of stockings, and Hayley examined them carefully before she made her choice. “I think little things make a big difference. I have learned that the shads of my hose, the length of my skirt or sleeves can influence my whole appearance.”

star of with Lydia Lane in London. “You never quite know how you look in a you something before you, whether it Is a picture or horns movie, you can be critical and objective.” Hayley feels that the purpose of make-up is lost if it”is obvious. “I don’t like the caked-look of mascara, but I hate my lashes because they are blond” She discussed the possibility of dyeing them. “It is quite safe now it it is done professionally,” I told her. “There are all types of regulations and laws forbidding harmful formulas.” “That’s good,” she smiled widely, “Then when I look at myself the first thing in the morning, won’t mind so much.”

June Ritchie

This is a 1963 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

June Ritchie and I had never met before. but I recognized her immediately as she crossed the lobby of my hotel. London in plastered with her picture advertising United Artists “The Mouse on the Moon.” “It is lovely to have a hit picture,” June told me as we were sealed comfortably in the dining room. “And fun to have people all over London recognize me.

“I’ve taken of 25 pounds and i want to keep them of,” she explained utter ordering a light lunch. “I know dieting can be frustrating unless you take into consideration your individual temperament. Because a plan has succeeded with a friend is no assurance it will be right for you. “I could not be regimented into counting calories, so I made a long-range plan that I knew fruit salad, a large one, or a vegetable salad.

Or sometimes I had asparagus and avocado, I didn’t allow myself butler, but to keep my skin from drying out I included avocado, and with it had tea and always a large glass of skim milk. “I began dinner with a salad, then lean meat and usually ended with cheese. Fortunately, I don’t care for sweets. Hut my diet was no great hardship and I had no desire to cheat.” 

Nicole Croucel

This is a 1963 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

They are filling and nice when they are cold from the icebox. Then came the day of fish-boiled, broiled without butter, but you can have lemon juice and herbs with it. Then there was a day of fruit and cheese, and a day of liquids finished the diet. In five days I lost 10 pounds, which, as I told you, I’ve never regained.” The race in Paris is the 4-day Jockey Diet. Some dieters say they have lost as much as 12 pounds in four days.

IS Nicole Courcel, one of France’s big stars and best remembered in the United States for the prize-winning film, “Sundays and Cybele,” lives in an apartment which combines modern art with antique furniture. As she met me at the door, I could not imagine this slender girl had ever had a weight problem. “I was fat because I ate too much.

It was just that simple,” Nicole said in comfortable English. “I worked hard to get rid of those extra pounds, and I have no wish to go through that ordeal again, so I hope you won’t mind having a light lunch. More and more in France we are adopting your way of eating in the middle the day. When I am working I bring yogurt, stewed fruit and hard tack to the studio. I prefer to live like this because in the evening I can dine well.

Counting calories makes me sad,” Nicole said as she squeezed a lemon over her filet of sole. “When I wanted to reduce I tried many diets before I found one that I could follow without being unhappy. It did not require me to keep an account of what I was eating because I was allowed all I wanted but the privation was that it must be limited to one thing. “Let me see if I can remember correctly. There was lean meat the first day. It was difficult to eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so the next day I was relieved to have nothing but raw vegetables.

Leslie Caron – Take four

This is a 1963 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

Happiness writes beauty in a face. When I mentioned this to Leslie Caron, she smiled, “It must be true, because now scripts are being sent to me about ‘a beautiful French But they used to start, ‘she is not pretty, but I and that always irked me.” Before Leslie married director Peter Hall and moved to London, she was very much thinner, and I remarked that the extra pounds were becoming.

“I was plump when I was carrying my baby, and my husband liked the way I looked. I did, too. It is a pity that fashion demand’s such a lean line. I think curves belong to a woman.” It was mid-morning, and we were having a glass of sherry in a red living room of their house which Leslie has furnished in authentic Victorian. I noticed that her hostess gown matched the draperies. It is an accident,” Leslie explained. “Dior made this dress for me about eight years ago, but it doesn’t seem to wear and the line is so classic.

It will always be good. It’s too bad that so few people realize that seemingly costly clothes are economical. I’ve just bought some lovely new things from Dior’s collection, Would you like to see them?” We walked up the stairs to Leslie’s closet which ran length of her bedroom. “The most important point in being well dressed is to be selective. Dress to the line that suits your figure, and don’t let anyone or any ballyhoo influence you.

The next thing is to analyze your mistakes and try never to make them again. I’ve learned my lesson that you must be very careful in choosing fabric and color of a costume.” Leslie pulled from her closet a suit of shocking pink sheer wool. “I thought I’d have this style made into a print for summer, so becoming it is for me! Always try to find a color that suits you, trust me this will make your wardrobe much better!

Wendy Turner

This is a 1963 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

“I never had a weight problem until I came to Hollywood.” exclaimed “Wendy Turner who left London to make “Summer Magic” for Walt Disney. “I have learned a bis lesson. Climate makes a great difference in a person’s appetite. I want to eat more here in California than I did in England. And because I’m not even five feet. I have to stay under 100 pounds. “You have to make a sacrifice to diet.

I didn’t want to count calories, because about food so much makes me hungry. I decided to eat my hamburgers without buns and to have skim milk instead of carbonated drinks. Each glass of soft drinks has many calories because of the I watch my snacks and I munch on apple slices at TV time instead of potato chips.” Wendy is just 16, and we talked about American girls in their teens. “American girls seem to want to act and look alike. My parents think they pay too much attention to what the ‘Joneses’ are doing.

It seems to me this conforming is a fear of not being popular. In England we try to develop individuality. But,” Wendy added, “I am very fond of American girls. They are much more friendly than we are at home.”

Erika Peters – Take two

This is a 1963 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

“Our faces register every emotion. And our facial muscles, if they are to keep their tone, must be exercised and relaxed,” Erika Peters confessed. “And our facial muscles, if they are to keep their tone, must he exercised and relaxed,” Erika Peters confessed, saying also that she is on a relaxation kick.

“After I came back from working in India, I realized more than ever how much we rush, what is the point of it? Hnste makes waste. Now I try to stop myself every time I start getting tense. “When I feel every muscle in my body tightening, I stop what I am doing and relax. Even here on the set (She was shooting a “True” segment for CBS), I do something to release tension. “I sit still with my palms up and try to feel every part of my body go limp.

Then to take the tension out of my face I do an exercise I call The “I open my eyes as wide as I can, but I don’t wrinkle my forehead. I drop my jaw as far as it will go and stick out my tongue, stretching it as far as I can. I feel my whole face stimulated. I hold this position and then relax. When this exercise is done correctly, your cheeks become flushed with a new rush of blood.”