Coleen Gray

This is a 1951 Lydia Lane article, where actress Coleen Gray talks about the benefits of non-processed food. Enjoy!!


“I think if you take care of your health,” Coleen Gray told me, “your beauty will take care of itself. I don’t mean that you can be careless about details of grooming but I feel you cannot really look your best if you ignore the basic rules of health.” “That’s a good point” I commented, “because the average person fails to realize this.” “I belong “to the ‘We-are-what-we-eat-school,’ ” Coleen confided. “It seems to me that it’s shortsighted to prefer the taste of food over it’s nutritional value.”

coleengray“Anything which is devitalized is processed so that it’s of no nutritional value. For example, there is more food value to whole grain breeds, wild rice and brown sugar than there is to white bread, white rice and white sugar. Whenever you find anyone who is outstanding for their vitality and youth,” Coleen continued, “like Gloria Swanson, you’ll find that they are conscious of the nutritional value of food.”

“Don’t you find it takes a lot of will power to stay on a health diet?” I asked. Coleen laughed, “you make it sound so grim. I’m very fond of steaks, green salads, fresh vegetables and fruits and don’t find it a hardship at all to give up fancy dishes and fried things because I just love feeling full of pep and my hair, skin and nails are in a much better condition than when I was on a devitalized diet.”

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