Luana Lee

This is a 1955Lydia Lane article where actress Luana Lee talk about relaxation. Enjoy!

Hollywood lies in the fact that this is the city where dreams not only come true but where it happens almost overnight. At least that’s the way Luana Lee feels. She made the transition from messenger girl to contract player at MGM so quickly her head is still spinning. She suddenly awoke one morning to find that she’d been signed for a role in ‘It’s Always Fair Weather.” “When they told me they were signing me I was so thrilled I walked around in a daze for weeks. I couldn’t imagine how it happened I never got farther than the pro producers’ secretaries when I delivered them mail.” “You look pretty calm and collected now.” I remarked. “I guess I have developed a certain amount of calm, but it wasn’t always so. I used to be tied up in knots all the time, so much so that I couldn’t sleep nights.”

Since Luana looked so fresh and rested, I assumed that she had solved this problem. “The best lesson I’ve ever had In relaxation came from a book  called “The Living Light The part that has stuck with me is this. When you consider all the years the earth has been in existence and all that has happened in the world, your activity and your problems are minute and not likely to have any earth-shaking consequences. “Once I grasped this perspective of myself as a tiny part of the I gigantic whole, I found that I was much less tense. “The book is anonymously written and not too well known. Every time I run across a copy of it I ‘buy it and send it to some friend who I think would benefit from it. So far everyone has found it helpful.

“On the more specific side,” Luana continued, “reading in bed has a quieting effect on me and helps me fall asleep.” Luana was wearing one of the new long-waisted dresses that showed off her pretty figure. “I don’t have an overweight problem,” she told me. “It’s the reverse. I have to watch the scales to see that I don’t get too thin. I don’t look well if I let my weight go down too far. “Believe me,” she concluded, “it’s much more difficult to put on pounds than it is to take them off but I’ve found drinking a glass of chocolate milk with some cream mixed in at night and between meals helps me gain faster than anything else.” 

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