Laurette Luez

This is a 1954 Lydia Lane article, where actress Laurette Luez talks about posture and comfortable shoes. Enjoy!


Laurette Luez is usually cast in some sort of a jungle in most of her pictures, 1954 will be an important year for her. Because of her beauty and ability as a dancer, Laurette will become an important star.

“My mother and father toured the Orient as a dance team and when I was 10 I did a command performance for the Sultan of Jahore. That finished it for me. I knew then I wanted to be in show business,” Laurette told me the other day. “Learning to be a dancer.” Laurette continued, “is beneficial, even when you are not interested in a career. Once you have had a supple body you are less inclined to let your muscles grow stiff and to allow your joints to tighten.”

“They say that clothes make the woman but I often think it’s the other way around. You often see a beautiful dress ruined because the girl or woman who is wearing it doesn’t carry herself well. “Compare two models, one in a run-of-the-mill dress but with a lovely way of walking and carrying herself, and another wearing a couturier gown that’s exquisite but with a posture way out of line and a way of walking as if her feet hurt,” Laurette said. ‘The value of posture is often not appreciated,” I agreed. “I think if every woman had a full length mirror and walked in front of it she would realize the importance of grace. “And.” Laurette continued, “many women would realize that that those pumps which hurt her feet show in her walk.”

“Nobody cares what site shoe a person needs” Laurette exclaimed “I just don’t understand what makes some women so vain about small feet” I suggested that it probably was a throw back from an era of lily-white skins and size 3 A slippers. To you place comfortable shoes as the first requisite for a graceful walk?” I asked. “THEY ARE an important part of it,” Laurette commented, “but I think keeping your body limber is necessary. There is nothing like a good old fashion somersault to loosen up the spine.”