Zsa Zsa Gabor – Take two

This is a 1966 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

 G is for glamour and Gabor. Zsa Zsa received me in a white and gold Dior hostess gown in white and gold living room. She was full of the picture she has just made with Tony Curtis, “You Just Kill Me.” “He love with me when I have lost my voice, but I lose him when I get it back,” she laughed. “This is a page from life.

Men do not like women who talk too much. Incessant chatter is a thing to be guarded against.” Zsa Zsa is qualified to talk about attracting the opposite sex. “American women are the best dressed and the best looking in the world, but all these divorces they are so easy and always favor the woman. “There must be an incentive. A woman wants to look up to a man.

Catching a man and holding on to him are two different things. He falls in love with his eyes, but to keep that love going he must  find you interesting and feel you are interested in him, his business, his favorite sports or hobbies. “Never let a man be too sure of you,” Zsa Zsa warns.

“He finds this boring. A girl who tries too hard to hold a man will lose him. There must be an air of mystery somewhere. I don’t know what marriage counselors advise, but I think a woman’s most effective weapon is learning to be well groomed and charming. “When a man comes home, take time to be clean, fresh and perfumed.

I think a man’s sense of smell is much more important than he realizes, but be sure you are using a scent that blends with your personality. An overpowering fragrance can be repellent. “The busier your are, the more disciplined you have to be about your appearance, but no matter how large her family is, a mother can always organize her day to leave time for looking nice for her husband.” 

 Zsa Zsa is a wonderful example of a woman who ignores her birthdays. “You can make your own age. I am glad my mother knew this, for she began training us to take good care of our skin when we were children. “At 6 I started using creams, and I was never allowed to sun bathe; it is hard on the skin.” Zsa Zsa wears a hat and gloves when she goes out during the day. For your complexion Zsa Zsa recommends ice. “It is a natural astringent. It stimulates the surface circulation.But always wrap it in a cloth.

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