Julie Sommars

This is a 1966 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

Things are happening so fast for Julie Sommars ever since she was chosen to be in “The Pad” for Universal that her head is spinning, but still full of beauty recipes that are basic and inexpensive. I don’t go for cosmetics. I always have great faith in cold tea bags as a way to help reduce puffy eyes. I make mine out of a soft, old handkerchief which I find more pleasant on my eyelids than paper bags.

I use these often in the morning when I have an early call at the studio or at the end of a smoggy day. The astringent quality of the tea seems to draw out fatigue. You can use the bags soaked in hot water to rest tired eyes.” When the Julie worked in the theater, was she looking for jobs, and pounded the New York pavements. In hot weather to keep her feet from burning she put baking soda in her pumps. “When you are to be on your feet a lot this really helps.

And when you come home after dancing or lots of standing, try soaking your feet in hot water alternating with cold. This brings up the circulation and takes away any burning sensation.” Julie takes care of her own hair. She said, wither only problem I’ve had was not having enough body. I’ve been using warm water for setting my hair and it is great it really helps to hold the line. This reaction is basic because hair has an affinity for protein.”

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