Claudia Cardinale – Take two

This is a 1966 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

Claudia Cardinale speaks four languages (French, Italian, Spanish and English) and men from four countries have succumbed to her charms. When she was making “The Centurians” In Madrid, a much sought after bachelor said, “The moment I looked into her eyes I felt a shock all through me.” When I asked Claudia the key to appealing to the opposite sex she said in flawless French, “Etre soi-meme. Be yourself. A man is quick to recognize insincerity. He looks into your eyes.

Regardless of what your lips are saying or what effect you are trying to present, he knows the truth. “Many young girls unsure of themselves put on airs that are not their real selves. This is understandable but it’s a mistake. It is ridiculous to think that copying someone else is the answer.

It may not be the easiest but the most effective way is to strive to develop and express your own personality. The attempt to be ‘a la a slave to fashion, deprives you of your individuality. Be strong enough to reject what is not suitable.” Claudia is quick to confess her ultimate aim in dressing is to please men. “I have men to my hair and advise me on make up. They can be more impersonal because their own image does not influence them.

They have no prejudices.” No girl who wants to be well liked by men can neglect her figure or her grooming. “In Italy men prefer more curves. That is a question of taste, but all men respond to grooming, to essential cleanliness. The appeal of the sense of smell is basic. “I don’t think men like obvious make up.

I prefer not to wear any base when I am not working.” This means Claudia must have a lovely  skin with natural coloring. “When I eat well my complexion looks well.

You can dry out your skin with fat-free diets, make it flabby by great weight fluctuations. It is going against nature taking off and putting on The secret is to be disciplined and catch those first few extra pounds. In one day Claudia can get back to normal with her favorite diet: six eggs, two large tomatoes and two small grapefruit. “You may have tea and coffee but nothing else. This is a scientific diet, I like it because I lose fast and feel well.”

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