Michele Carey

This is a 1966 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

Many girls were tested but Michele Carey was chosen for “Eldorado.” “It’s beauty remembered that counts,” Howard Hawks said, offering her a contract. Michele establishes her individuality with her hair style.

She dresses it with showmanship never forgetting the prime purpose of spotlighting herself. “I dislike hairsprays extremely or a stiff coiffure that belongs more to the world of sculpture than life. I love the look of windblown hair.” As a finishing touch Michele faces an electric fan briefly. She feels hair must be clean and healthy to be beautiful. She washes hers every other day and brushes it, painstakingly polishing it with a sheer nylon stocking drawn over a brush so that the bristles come through.

“I wind my hair on enormous magnetic rollers, setting it with lukewarm water scented with bath perfume.” Sometimes she uses a filler for height, sometimes she back combs, but basically it remains the same. As for color, she highlights It here and there, “as if the sun pouring on it through a Venetian blind. I don’t change. Fashion is tempting but I feel that once you find what goes well for you, you should resist adopting a style just because it is new.” 

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