Lee Kurty

This is a 1966 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

“When you are used to thinking of yourself as being too thin” Lee Kurty confessed, “it is a shock one day to find that you are too fat.

I made this discovery watching myself on Dr. Kildare. “I hadn’t realized that I did not need as much food and that I had to be not less but much more selective about my food and my exercise. Lee did not hit upon the right diet at first. “But I made discovery that the difference between success and failure- even in dieting depends on you. If you don’t put your heart into reducing you are wasting your time.

You have to romance your diet.” Here is a routine that Lee could embrace. “I dropped the seven pounds I wanted to lose in 10 days, and I was not unhappy once.” Breakfast is light- tea with one lemon and an eight-ounce glass of mixed-vegetable juice. “I always take a supplement of vitamins.” Lee added. There is a choice for lunch -cottage cheese and fruit or lean ground beef with a sliced tomato. Lee also has a hard-boiled egg or a mid mid-afternoon snack consomme, hot or cold, depending on the weather.

Dinner begins with a choice of salad raw vegetables, slaw with diet dressing. For the main dish she has broiled chicken, beef, lamb or fish and one steamed green vegetable. Lee favors asparagus or broccoli spears. No sweets, she warns, and no alcoholic or soda beverages “There are no substitutes with meals. But you may have coffee or tea 30 minutes afterward.” 

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