Jessica Walter

This is a 1966 Lydia Lane article. Enjoy!

Jessica Walter believes that a girl should select her best feature and concentrate on it. “I receive more compliments on my hair than anything else. It requires a great deal of care, but it is worth it. I spend just as much time keeping it healthy as I do keeping it nicely dressed.

“I alternate shampoos. One time I use a liquid and the next fresh eggs. I try to wash my hair three times a week, but for emergencies I have a dry shampoo I find very effective.” When it comes to buying brushes Jessica prefers the best “Five years ago I spent about $25 on a brush with fine natural bristles. Today they are still holding up and I use it night and morning. I found when I had a nylon brush my hair was splitting and thinning Jessica keeps her hair long.

“So much depends on finding the right setting lotion and hair spray. I searched a long time before I discovered the perfect ones for me.” When Jessica was filming “The Group” she had to wear her hair up in several scenes. “I didn’t think my hairline in back was neat enough so I had it waxed. That made a big difference.” As a final detail in the quest for outstandingly lovely hair Jessica recommends sclap massage.

“These treatments condition your hair because the circulation is stimulated, bringing increased blood food to the roots.” 

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