Dorothy Malone – Take two

This is a 1956 Lydia Lane article where actress Dorothy Malone talks about a bunch of beauty stuff. Enjoy!

 I lunched the other day with Dorothy Malone, so many people stopped by to talk to her that I remarked about her popularity. “I think you get back what you give,” she answered in all sincerity. “When you like people they know it.’ The talk turned to beauty and Dorothy confessed she had a complex about her looks. “It started when we used to have truth sessions at the sorority house and we’d tell what was wrong with each other. It was generally agreed that I had lots of other things but I wasn’t pretty. Even after I became a cover girl I would suffer every time a photographer would make a critical remark about my face.

“But I’ve learned to know how relatively unimportant is mere regularity of features. The other night I was at a party where the room was filled with glamour queens but the girl getting the most attention was not even pretty by standards but she radiated a quality of warmth and beauty that had a greater impact than physical perfection.” It takes a mature attitude to realize this,” Dorothy continued, “and most girls have a big worry today if they are not pretty. It’s no wonder since advertising tries to make you feel inferior if you are plain. “There is so much a girl can do to improve herself and I believe in changing everything you can and in taking good care of what you have; for beauty is a gift up to 25 and after that it’s up to you. “But this can be overdone. I know a girl who has literally made herself over. She’s had her teeth straightened, her hair line raised, her nose bobbed and her figure remodeled; but she has become so absorbed in her appearance and so self-centered that she’s dull and no one enjoys her company

 “Beauty is a way of life. It’s mental. If you feel beautiful, think beautiful thoughts and have confidence you’ll always make a good impression.” WHEN I first met Dorothy she was a brunette and obviously from Texas. Now she’s lost her southern accent and changed her hair to blond. She wears a long bob and when I mentioned this she said, “I think short hair is much smarter. I cut mine once but it is not as good a frame for my face so I let it grow and besides most producers think long hair has more sex appeal. “Do you find being blonde a lot of trouble? ” I wanted to know. “Not really because I take care of my hair myself. I mix one half peroxide with a prepared bleach. It has a much slower action than what is used in the salons but it is not so hard on your hair. The important thing in bleaching is not to overlap and the trick is to under bleach the roots. But,” Dorothy added. “you can get into a-lot of trouble if you are not careful.

“When you wear long hair in a short-hair era it’s not easy to follow fashion. I love hats but I can’t wear them. I am from Dallas and we have such beautiful shops there that I’ve always been interested in high fashion. But I think you have to consider what is becoming first. I read the magazines and try to pick what is suited for mc, but I think it’s a big mistake to wear something just because it is new. I never feel dressed without perfume.” Dorothy confessed. “This is my biggest extravagance. It definitely gives me a lilt and I think it matters considerably to men. But you can’t be well-perfumed with a casual dab behind your ears.” “Do you have one favorite perfume or do you play the field ?”I asked. “I try what is new but I have two great standbys two great scents that I am never without.

I also like bath oils, scented soaps and powders. I think the tub is a great place to relax and letting down has been a big struggle for me. At one time I used to take sleeping pills but when I realized they were becoming a crutch I gave them up. I’ve learned that the type of sleep you get with them is not Valuable. I’d look 1 fresher on camera the next morning if I’d lie in bed without sleeping than when I’d take sleeping pills. The trick is not to fret about falling asleep. Just relax. The big problem for a tense person has to do with relaxing. Trying not to get too wound up or worry too much is difficult if it is natural for you but I’m working on relaxing in little ways during the day. When you find yourself growing tense, if you just step what you are doing a moment and sit down, drop your arms to your sides, close your eyes and take several deep breaths you’ll find it calms even the most nervous person. To be less tense is on top of my list for New Year’s resolutions,” concluded Dorothy.

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