Helen Grayco

This is a 1956 LYdia Lane article where songstress Helen Grayco talks about hair and diet. Enjoy!

“Don’t envy girls with curly hair.” Helen Grayco (Mrs. Spike Jones) declared as we chatted in her living: room. “It’s infinitely more trouble than straight hair. In humid weather it frizzes up and when you wash it, it’s a struggle to make it behave as you want it. I had a miserable time with my hair until I learned a few tricks about managing it.” “I must say you’ve done a good job,” I remarked. “No one would suspect that your Hair presented any kind of a problem.” “I put it up every night,” was Helen’s surprising confession. “I don’t wet it but I start rolling at the end and pull tight as I wind it into a curl and I find this keeps the hair from being fuzzy. I always make a point of pulling and stretching it after a shampoo,” she added. “It would be much easier to manage short but The Boss (Spike) doesn’t want me to cut it,” she smiled.

“Brushing it helps a lot,” she continued. “I carry a small nylon brush In my purse and even my brushes at home have nylon bristles. I need a good, strong bristle to stimulate my scalp because my hair is quite thick. And nylon bristles dry so Pasily and don’t lose their firmness, no matter how often the brushes are washed.” Helen told me how much she enjoys working on TV. “I’ve found it so helpful to see myself objectively,” she said. She has made frequent television appearances both as a single and with her famous husband’s band.

“I love clothes,” she admitted. “However, I’ve never thought It necessary to limit myself to one basic type. I much prefer to change around. “Some of my dresses are high fashion very sleek and sophisticated. Some of my other things go all out for glamor. When I wear play clothes I wear my hair in a pony tail and put on flats. I feel equally comfortable in each type, in its place, of course, and it’s more fun than looking exactly the same all the time. “But no matter what clothes I’m wearing, I always try to wear suitable make-up. The more I study make-up the more I realize that it takes practice to do all these things to improve yourself, yet maintain an appearance of naturalness. Make-up,” Helen continued, “is definitely an art.”

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